Docker Swarm – Multiple Nodes

In the first part of this series, we built a Docker swarm, consisting of just one node (our local machine). The nodes can act as swarm-managers and (or) swarm-workers. Now we want to create a swarm that spans more than one node (one machine).

Creating a Swarm

Creating the Infrastructure

First, we set up a cluster, consisting of Virtual Machines. We have used Vagrant before to create Virtual Machines on our local machine. Here, we will use docker-machine to create virtual machines on VirtualBox (you should have VirtualBox installed on your computer). docker-machine is a tool to create Docker VMs, however, it should not be used in production, where more configuration of a virtual machine is needed.

docker-machine create --driver virtualbox vm-manager

docker-machine create --driver virtualbox vm-worker1

docker-machine uses a lightweight Linux distribution (boot2docker) including Docker, that will start within seconds (after the image was downloaded). As an alternative, you might use the alpine2docker Vagrant box.

Let us have a look at our virtual machines

docker-machine ls

vm-manager - virtualbox Running tcp:// v18.06.0-ce
vm-worker1 - virtualbox Running tcp:// v18.06.0-ce

Setting Up the Swarm

As the name suggests, our first vm1 will be a swarm-manager, while the other two machines will be swarm-workers. Let us log into our first Virtual Machine and define it as a swarm-manager

docker-machine ssh vm-manager

docker swarm init

You might run into an error message such as

Error response from daemon: could not choose an IP address to advertise since this system has multiple addresses on different interfaces ( on eth0 and on eth1) - specify one with --advertise-addr

I initialised the swarm with the local address ( on eth1. You will get the ip address of a machine, using

docker-machine ip vm-manager (outside of the VM)

So now let us try to initialise the swarm again

docker swarm init --advertise-addr

Swarm initialized: current node (9cnhj2swve2rynyh6fx7h72if) is now a manager.

To add a worker to this swarm, run the following command:

    docker swarm join --token SWMTKN-1-2k1c6126hvjkch1ub74gea0hkcr1timpqlcxr5p4msm598xxg7-6fj5ccmlqdjgrw36ll2t3zr2t

To add a manager to this swarm, run 'docker swarm join-token manager' and follow the instructions.

The output displays the command to add a worker to the swarm. So now we can log into our two worker VMs and execute this command to initialise the swarm mode as a worker. You don’t have to open a secure shell on the VM explicitly; you can also execute a command on the VM directly

docker-machine ssh vm-worker1 docker swarm join --token SWMTKN-1-2k1c6126hvjkch1ub74gea0hkcr1timpqlcxr5p4msm598xxg7-6fj5ccmlqdjgrw36ll2t3zr2t

You should see something like

This node joined a swarm as a worker.

To see if everything ran smoothly, we can list the nodes in our swarm

docker-machine ssh vm-manager docker node ls

ID                            HOSTNAME            STATUS              AVAILABILITY        MANAGER STATUS      ENGINE VERSION
9cnhj2swve2rynyh6fx7h72if *   vm-manager          Ready               Active              Leader              18.06.0-ce
sfflcyts946pazrr2q9rjh79x     vm-worker1          Ready               Active                                  18.06.0-ce

The main difference between a worker node and a manager node is that managers are workers that can control the swarm. The node I invoke swarm init, will become the swarm leader (and manager, by default). There can be several managers, but only one swarm leader.

During initialisation, a root certificate for the swarm is created, a certificate is issued for this first node and the join tokens for new managers and workers are created.

Most of the swarm data is stored in a so Raft-database (such as certificates, configurations etc.). This database is distributed over all manager nodes. A Raft is a consensus algorithm that insists consistency over the manager nodes (Docker implementation of the Raft algorithm). provides a brilliant tutorial about the raft algorithm.

Most data is stored encrypted on the nodes. The communication inside of the swarm is encrypted.

Docker Swarm
Docker Swarm


Dictate Docker to run Commands against particular Node

Set environment variables to dictate that docker should run a command against a particular machine.

Running pre-create checks...
Creating machine...
(vm-manager) Copying /Users/vividbreeze/.docker/machine/cache/boot2docker.iso to /Users/vividbreeze/.docker/machine/machines/vm-manager/boot2docker.iso...
(vm-manager) Creating VirtualBox VM...
(vm-manager) Creating SSH key...
(vm-manager) Starting the VM...
(vm-manager) Check network to re-create if needed...
(vm-manager) Waiting for an IP...
Waiting for machine to be running, this may take a few minutes...
Detecting operating system of created instance...
Waiting for SSH to be available...
Detecting the provisioner...
Provisioning with boot2docker...
Copying certs to the local machine directory...
Copying certs to the remote machine...
Setting Docker configuration on the remote daemon...
Checking connection to Docker...
Docker is up and running!
To see how to connect your Docker Client to the Docker Engine running on this virtual machine, run: docker-machine env vm-manager

The last line tells you, how to connect your client (your machine), to the virtual machine you just created

docker-machine env vm-manager

exports the necessary docker environment variables with the values for the VM vm-manager

export DOCKER_HOST="tcp://"
export DOCKER_CERT_PATH="/Users/vividbreeze/.docker/machine/machines/vm-manager"
export DOCKER_MACHINE_NAME="vm-manager"
# Run this command to configure your shell:
# eval $(docker-machine env vm-manager)

eval $(docker-machine env vm-manager)

dictates docker, to run all commands against vm-manager, e.g. the above docker node ls, or  docker image ls etc. will also run against the VM vm-manager.

So now I can use docker node ls directly, to list the nodes in my swarm, as all docker commands now run against Docker on vm-manager (before I had to usedocker-machine ssh vm-manager docker node ls).

To reverse this command use docker-machine env -u and subsequently eval $(docker-machine env -u).

Deploying the Application

Now we can use the example from part I of the tutorial. Here is a copy of my docker-compose.yml, so you can follow this example (I increase the number of replicas from 3 to 5).

version: "3"
    image: vividbreeze/docker-tutorial:version1
      replicas: 5
        condition: on-failure
      - "4000:8080"

Let us deploy our service as describe in docker-compose.yml and name it dataservice

docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml dataapp

Creating network dataapp_default
Creating service dataapp_dataservice

Docker created a new service, called dataapp_dataservice and a network called dataapp_default. The network is a private network for the services that belong to the swarm to communicate with each other. We will have a closer look at networking in the next tutorial. So far nothing new as it seems.

Let us have a closer look at our dataservice

docker stack ps dataapp

ID                  NAME                    IMAGE                                  NODE                    DESIRED STATE       CURRENT STATE                    ERROR               PORTS
s79brivew6ye        dataapp_dataservice.1   vividbreeze/docker-tutorial:version1   linuxkit-025000000001   Running             Running less than a second ago
gn3sncfbzc2s        dataapp_dataservice.2   vividbreeze/docker-tutorial:version1   linuxkit-025000000001   Running             Running less than a second ago
wg5184iug130        dataapp_dataservice.3   vividbreeze/docker-tutorial:version1   linuxkit-025000000001   Running             Running less than a second ago
i4a90y3hd6i6        dataapp_dataservice.4   vividbreeze/docker-tutorial:version1   linuxkit-025000000001   Running             Running less than a second ago
b4prawsu81mu        dataapp_dataservice.5   vividbreeze/docker-tutorial:version1   linuxkit-025000000001   Running             Running less than a second ago

As you can see, the load was distributed to both VMs, no matter which role they have (swarm manager or swarm worker).

The requests can now go either against the IP of the VM manager or the VM worker. You can obtain its IP-address of the vm-manager with

docker-machine ip vm-manager

Now let us fire 10 requests against vm-manager to see if our service works

repeat 10 { curl; echo }

<?xml version="1.0" ?><result><name>hello</name><id>139</id></result>
<?xml version="1.0" ?><result><name>hello</name><id>3846</id></result>
<?xml version="1.0" ?><result><name>hello</name><id>149</id></result>
<?xml version="1.0" ?><result><name>hello</name><id>2646</id></result>
<?xml version="1.0" ?><result><name>hello</name><id>847</id></result>
<?xml version="1.0" ?><result><name>hello</name><id>139</id></result>
<?xml version="1.0" ?><result><name>hello</name><id>3846</id></result>
<?xml version="1.0" ?><result><name>hello</name><id>149</id></result>
<?xml version="1.0" ?><result><name>hello</name><id>2646</id></result>
<?xml version="1.0" ?><result><name>hello</name><id>847</id></result>

If everything is working, we should see five different kinds of responses (as five items were deployed in our swarm). The following picture describes shows how services are deployed.

Docker Stack Deployment Process
Docker Stack Deployment Process

When we call docker stack deploy, the command transfers the docker-compose.yml to the swarm manager, the manager creates the services and deploys it to the swarm (as defined in the deploy-part of the docker-compose.yml). Each of the replicas (in our case 5) is called a task. Each task can be deployed on one or nodes (basically the container with the service-image is started on this node); this can be on a swarm-manager or swarm-worker. The result is depicted in the next picture.

Docker Service Deployment
Docker Service Deployment

Managing the Swarm

Dealing with a Crashed Node

In the last tutorial, we defined a restart-policy, so the swarm-manger will automatically start a new container, in case one crashes. Let us now see what happens when we remote our worker

docker-machine rm vm-worker1

We can see that while the server (vm-worker1) is shutting down, new tasks are created on the vm-manager

> docker stack ps dataservice
ID                  NAME                    IMAGE                                  NODE                DESIRED STATE       CURRENT STATE                  ERROR               PORTS
vc26y4375kbt        dataapp_dataservice.1       vividbreeze/docker-tutorial:version1   vm-manager          Ready               Ready less than a second ago
kro6i06ljtk6         \_ dataapp_dataservice.1   vividbreeze/docker-tutorial:version1   vm-worker1          Shutdown            Running 12 minutes ago
ugw5zuvdatgp        dataapp_dataservice.2       vividbreeze/docker-tutorial:version1   vm-manager          Running             Running 12 minutes ago
u8pi3o4jn90p        dataapp_dataservice.3       vividbreeze/docker-tutorial:version1   vm-manager          Ready               Ready less than a second ago
hqp9to9puy6q         \_ dataapp_dataservice.3   vividbreeze/docker-tutorial:version1   vm-worker1          Shutdown            Running 12 minutes ago
iqwpetbr9qv2        dataapp_dataservice.4       vividbreeze/docker-tutorial:version1   vm-manager          Running             Running 12 minutes ago
koiy3euv9g4h        dataapp_dataservice.5       vividbreeze/docker-tutorial:version1   vm-manager          Ready               Ready less than a second ago
va66g4n3kwb5         \_ dataapp_dataservice.5   vividbreeze/docker-tutorial:version1   vm-worker1          Shutdown            Running 12 minutes ago

A moment later you will see all 5 tasks running up again.

Dealing with Increased Workload in a Swarm

Increasing the number of Nodes

Let us now assume that the workload on our dataservice is growing rapidly. Firstly, we can distribute the load to more VMs.

docker-machine create --driver virtualbox vm-worker2

docker-machine create --driver virtualbox vm-worker3

In case we forgot the token that is necessary to join our swarm as a worker, use

docker swarm join-token worker

Now let us add our two new machines to the swarm

docker-machine ssh vm-worker2 docker swarm join --token SWMTKN-1-371xs3hz1yi8vfoxutr01qufa5e4kyy0k1c6fvix4k62iq8l2h-969rhkw0pnwc2ahhnblm4ic1m

docker-machine ssh vm-worker3 docker swarm join --token SWMTKN-1-371xs3hz1yi8vfoxutr01qufa5e4kyy0k1c6fvix4k62iq8l2h-969rhkw0pnwc2ahhnblm4ic1m

As you can see when using docker stack ps dataapp, the tasks were not automatically deployed to the new VMs.

ID                  NAME                IMAGE                                  NODE                DESIRED STATE       CURRENT STATE            ERROR               PORTS
0rp9mk0ocil2        dataapp_dataservice.1   vividbreeze/docker-tutorial:version1   vm-manager          Running             Running 18 minutes ago
3gju7xv20ktr        dataapp_dataservice.2   vividbreeze/docker-tutorial:version1   vm-manager          Running             Running 13 minutes ago
wwi72sji3k6v        dataapp_dataservice.3   vividbreeze/docker-tutorial:version1   vm-manager          Running             Running 13 minutes ago
of5uketh1dbk        dataapp_dataservice.4   vividbreeze/docker-tutorial:version1   vm-manager          Running             Running 13 minutes ago
xzmnmjnpyxmc        dataapp_dataservice.5   vividbreeze/docker-tutorial:version1   vm-manager          Running             Running 13 minutes ago

The swarm-manager decides when to utilise new nodes. Its main priority is to avoid disruption of running services (even when they are idle). Of course, you can always force an update, which might take some time

docker service update dataapp_dataservice -f

Increasing the number of Replicas

In addition, we can also increase the number of replicas in our docker-compose.xml

version: "3"
    image: vividbreeze/docker-tutorial:version1
      replicas: 10
        condition: on-failure
      - "4000:8080"

Now rundocker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml dataservice

docker stack ps dataapp shows that 5 new tasks (and respectively containers) have been created. Now the swarm-manager has utilised the new VMs.

D                  NAME                 IMAGE                                  NODE                DESIRED STATE       CURRENT STATE             ERROR               PORTS
0rp9mk0ocil2        dataapp_dataservice.1    vividbreeze/docker-tutorial:version1   vm-manager          Running             Running 20 minutes ago
3gju7xv20ktr        dataapp_dataservice.2    vividbreeze/docker-tutorial:version1   vm-manager          Running             Running 15 minutes ago
wwi72sji3k6v        dataapp_dataservice.3    vividbreeze/docker-tutorial:version1   vm-manager          Running             Running 15 minutes ago
of5uketh1dbk        dataapp_dataservice.4    vividbreeze/docker-tutorial:version1   vm-manager          Running             Running 15 minutes ago
xzmnmjnpyxmc        dataapp_dataservice.5    vividbreeze/docker-tutorial:version1   vm-manager          Running             Running 15 minutes ago
qn1ilzk57dhw        dataapp_dataservice.6    vividbreeze/docker-tutorial:version1   vm-worker3          Running             Preparing 3 seconds ago
5eyq0t8fqr2y        dataapp_dataservice.7    vividbreeze/docker-tutorial:version1   vm-worker3          Running             Preparing 3 seconds ago
txvf6yaq6v3i        dataapp_dataservice.8    vividbreeze/docker-tutorial:version1   vm-worker2          Running             Preparing 3 seconds ago
b2y3o5iwxmx1        dataapp_dataservice.9    vividbreeze/docker-tutorial:version1   vm-worker3          Running             Preparing 3 seconds ago
rpov7buw9czc        dataapp_dataservice.10   vividbreeze/docker-tutorial:version1   vm-worker3          Running             Preparing 3 seconds ago

Further Remarks

To summarise

  • Use docker-machine (as an alternative to vagrant or others) to create VMs running Docker.
  • Use docker swarm to define a cluster that can run your application. The cluster can span physical machines and virtual machines (also in clouds). A machine can either be a manager or a worker.
  • Define your application in a docker-compose.yml.
  • Use docker stack to deploy your application in the swarm.

This again was a simple, pretty straightforward example. You can easily use docker-machine to create VMs in AWS E2 or Google Compute Engine and cloud services. Use this script to quickly install Docker on a VM.

A quick note, please always be aware on which machine you are working. You can easily get the Docker CLI to run against a different machine with docker-machine env vm-manager.  To reverse this command use docker-machine env -u.


3 Antworten zu „Docker Swarm – Multiple Nodes“

  1. […] runs our application. In our case the swarm consisted only of one machine (no real cluster). In the next part of the tutorial, we will see that a cluster can span various physical and virtual […]

  2. […] we have seen in the tutorial about Docker swarm, the IP addresses of our services can change, e.g. every time we deploy new services to a swarm or […]

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