Kategorie: Docker

  • Installing Artifactory with Docker and Ansible

    The aim of this tutorial is to provision Artifactory stack in Docker on a Virtual Machine using Ansible for the provisioning. I separated the different concerns so that they can be tested, changed and run separately. Hence, I recommend you run the parts separately, as I explain them here, in case you run into some problems.


    On my machine, I created a directory artifactory-install. I will later push this folder to a git repository. The directory structure inside of this folder will look like this.

    ├── Vagrantfile
    ├── artifactory
    │   ├── docker-compose.yml
    │   └── nginx-config
    │       ├── reverse_proxy_ssl.conf
    │       ├── cert.pem
    │       └── key.pem 
    ├── artifactory.yml
    ├── docker-compose.yml
    └── docker.yml

    Please create the subfolders artifactory (the folder that we will copy to our VM) and nginx-config subfolder (which contains the nginx-configuration for the reverse-proxy as well as the certificate and key).

    Installing a Virtual Machine with Vagrant

    I use the following Vagrantfile. The details are explained in Vagrant in a Nutshell. You might want to experiment with the virtual box parameters.

    agrant.configure("2") do |config|
        config.vm.define "artifactory" do |web|
            # Resources for this machine
            web.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |vb|
               vb.memory = "2048"
               vb.cpus = "1"
            web.vm.box = "ubuntu/xenial64"
            web.vm.hostname = "artifactory"
            # Define public network. If not present, Vagrant will ask.
            web.vm.network "public_network", bridge: "en0: Wi-Fi (AirPort)"
            # Disable vagrant ssh and log into machine by ssh
            web.vm.provision "file", source: "~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub", destination: "~/.ssh/authorized_keys"
            # Install Python to be able to provision machine using Ansible
            web.vm.provision "shell", inline: "which python || sudo apt -y install python"

    Installing Docker

    As Artifactory will run as a Docker container, we have to install the docker environment first. In my Playbook (docker.yml), I use the Ansible Role to install Docker and docker-compose from Jeff Geerling. The role variables are explained in the README.md. You might have to adopt this yaml-file, e.g. defining different users etc.

    - name: Install Docker
      hosts: artifactory
      become: yes
      become_method: sudo
      - name: Install Docker and docker-compose
           name: geerlingguy.docker
           - docker_edition: 'ce'
           - docker_package_state: present
           - docker_install_compose: true
           - docker_compose_version: "1.22.0"
           - docker_users:
              - vagrant

    Before you run this playbook you have to install the Ansible role

    ansible-galaxy install geerlingguy.docker

    In addition, make sure you have added the IP-address of the VM to your Ansible inventory

    sudo vi /etc/ansible/hosts

    Then you can run this Docker Playbook with

    ansible-playbook docker.yml

    Installing Artifactory

    I will show the Artifactory Playbook (artifactory.yml) first and then we go through the different steps.

    - name: Install Docker
      hosts: artifactory
      become: yes
      become_method: sudo
      - name: Check is artifactory folder exists
          path: artifactory
        register: artifactory_home
      - name: Clean up docker-compose
        command: >
           docker-compose down
           chdir: ./artifactory/
        when: artifactory_home.stat.exists
      - name: Delete artifactory working-dir
           state: absent
           path: artifactory
        when: artifactory_home.stat.exists
      - name: Copy artifactory working-dir
           src: ./artifactory/
           dest: artifactory
      - name: Generate a Self Signed OpenSSL certificate
        command: >
           openssl req -subj '/CN=localhost' -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -nodes
           -keyout key.pem -out cert.pem -days 365
           chdir: ./artifactory/nginx-config/
      - name: Call docker-compose to run artifactory-stake
        command: >
           docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d
           chdir: ./artifactory/

    Clean-Up a previous Artifactory Installation

    As we will see later, the magic happens in the ~/artifactory folder on the VM. So first we will clean-up a previous installation, e.g. stopping and removing the running containers. There are different ways to achieve this. I will use a docker-compose down, which will terminate without an error, even if no container is running. In addition, I will delete the artifactory-folder with all subfolders (if they are present).

    Copy nginx-Configuration and docker-compose.yml

    The artifactory-folder includes the docker-compose.yml to install the Artifactory stack (see below) and the nginx-configuration (see below). They will be copied in a directory with the same name to the remote host.

    I use the synchronise module to copy the files, as currently since Python 3.6 there seems to be a problem that doesn’t allow to copy a directory recursively with the copy module. Unfortunately, synchronise demands your SSH password again. There are workarounds that make sense but don’t look elegant to me, so I avoid them ;).

    Set-Up nginx Configuration

    I will use nginx as a reverse-proxy that also allows a secure connection. The configuration-file is static and located in the nginx-config subfolder (reverse_proxy_ssl.conf)

    server {
      listen 443 ssl;
      listen 8080;
      ssl_certificate /etc/nginx/conf.d/cert.pem;
      ssl_certificate_key /etc/nginx/conf.d/key.pem;
      location / {
         proxy_pass http://artifactory:8081;

    The configuration is described in the nginx-docs. You might have to adopt this file for your needs.

    The proxy_pass is set to the service-name inside of the Docker overlay-network (as defined in the docker-compose.yml). I will open port 443 for an SSL connection and 8080 for a non-SSL connection.

    Create a Self-Signed Certificate

    We will create a self-signed certificate on the remote-host inside of the folder nginx-config

    openssl req -subj '/CN=localhost' -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -nodes- keyout key.pem -out cert.pem -days 365

    The certificate and key are referenced in the reverse_proxy_ssl.conf, as explained above. You might run into problems, that your browser won’t accept this certificate. A Google search might provide some relief.

    Run Artifactory

    As mentioned above, we will run Artifactory with a reverse-proxy and a PostgreSQL as its datastore.

    version: "3"
        image: postgres:latest
          replicas: 1
            condition: on-failure
          - POSTGRES_DB=artifactory
          - POSTGRES_USER=artifactory
          - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=artifactory
          - ./data/postgresql:/var/lib/postgresql/data
        image: docker.bintray.io/jfrog/artifactory-oss:latest
        user: "${UID}:${GID}"
          replicas: 1
            condition: on-failure
          - DB_TYPE=postgresql
          - DB_USER=artifactory
          - DB_PASSWORD=artifactory
          - ./data/artifactory:/var/opt/jfrog/artifactory
          - postgresql
        image: nginx:latest
          replicas: 1
            condition: on-failure
          - ./nginx-config:/etc/nginx/conf.d
          - "443:443"
          - "8080:8080"
          - artifactory
          - postgresql


    I use the image artifactory-oss:latest from JFrog (as found on JFrog BinTray). On GitHub,  you find some examples of how to use the Artifactory Docker image.

    I am not super satisfied, as out-of-the-box I receive a „Mounted directory must be writable by user ‚artifactory‘ (id 1030)“ error when I bind /var/opt/jfrog/artifactory inside of the container to the folder ./data/artifactory on the VM. Inside of the Dockerfile for this image, they use a few tasks with a user „artifactory“. I don’t have such a user on my VM (and don’t want to create one). A workaround seems to be to set the user-id and group-id inside of the docker-compose.yml as described here.

    Alternatively, you can use the Artifactory Docker image from Matt Grüter provided on DockerHub. However, it doesn’t work with PostgreSQL out-of-the-box and you have to use the internal database of Artifactory (Derby). In addition, the latest image from Matt is built on version 3.9.2 (the current version is 6.2.0, 18/08/2018). Hence, you have to build a new image and upload it to your own repository. Sure if we use docker-compose to deploy our services, we could add a build-segment in the docker-compose.yml. But if we use docker stack to run our services, the build-part will be ignored.

    I do not publish a port (default is 8081) as I want users to access Artifactory only by the reverse-proxy.


    I use the official PostgreSQL Docker image from DockerHub. The data-volume inside of the container will be bound to the postgresql folder in ~/artifactory/data/postgresql on the VM. The credentials have to match the credentials for the artifactory-service. I don’t publish a port, as I don’t want to use the database outside of the Docker container.

    The benefits of using a separate database are when you have intensive usage or a high load on your database, as the embedded database (Derby) might then slow things down.


    I use Nginx as described above. The custom configuration in ~/artifactory/nginx-config/reverse_proxy_ssl.conf is bound to /etc/nginx/conf.d inside of the Docker container. I publish port 443 (SSL) and 8080 (non-SSL) to the world outside of the Docker container.


    To get the whole thing started, you have to

    1. Create a VM (or have some physical or virtual machine where you want to install Artifactory) with Python (as needed by Ansible)
    2. Register the VM in the Ansible Inventory (/etc/ansible/hosts)
    3. Start the Ansible Playbook docker.yml to install Docker on the VM (as a prerequisite to run Artifactory)
    4. Start the Ansible Playbook artifactory.yml to install Artifactory (plus PostgreSQL and a reverse-proxy).

    I recommend adopting the different parts for your needs. I am sure you could also improve a lot. Of course, you can include the Ansible Playbooks (docker.yml and artifactory.yml) directly in the provision-part of your Vagrantfile. In this case, you have to only run  vagrant up.

    Integrating Artifactory with Maven

    This article describes how to configure Maven with Artifactory. In my case, the automatic generation of the settings.xml in ~/.m2/ for Maven didn’t include the encrypted password. You can retrieve the encrypted password, as described here. Make sure you update your Custom Base URL in the General Settings, as it will be used to generate the settings.xml.

    Possible Error: Broken Pipe

    I ran into an authentification problem when I first tried to deploy a snapshot archive from my project to Artifactory. It appeared when I ran mvn deploy as (use -X parameter for a more verbose output)

    Caused by: org.eclipse.aether.transfer.ArtifactTransferException: Could not transfer artifact com.vividbreeze.springboot.rest:demo:jar:0.0.1-20180818.082818-1 from/to central (http://artifactory.intern.vividbreeze.com:8080/artifactory/ext-release-local): Broken pipe (Write failed)

    A broken pipe can mean everything, and you will find a lot when you google it. A closer look in the access.log on the VM running Artifactory revealed an

    2018-08-18 08:28:19,165 [DENIED LOGIN]  for chris/

    The reason was that I provided a wrong encrypted password (see above) in ~/.m2/settings. You should be aware, that the encrypted password changes everytime you deploy a new version of Artifactory.

    Possible Error: Request Entity Too Large

    Another error I ran into when I deployed a very large jar (this can happen with Spring Boot apps that carry a lot of luggage): Return code is: 413, ReasonPhrase: Request Entity Too Large.

    [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-deploy-plugin:2.8.2:deploy (default-deploy) on project demo: Failed to deploy artifacts: Could not transfer artifact com.vividbreeze.springboot.rest:demo:jar:0.0.1-20180819.092431-3 from/to snapshots (http://artifactory.intern.vividbreeze.com:8080/artifactory/libs-snapshot): Failed to transfer file: http://artifactory.intern.vividbreeze.com:8080/artifactory/libs-snapshot/com/vividbreeze/springboot/rest/demo/0.0.1-SNAPSHOT/demo-0.0.1-20180819.092431-3.jar. Return code is: 413, ReasonPhrase: Request Entity Too Large. -> [Help 1]

    I wasn’t able to find anything in the Artifactory logs, nor the STDIN/ERR of the nginx-container. However, I assumed that there might a limit on the maximum request body size. As the was over 20M large, I added the following line to the ~/artifactory/nginx-config/reverse_proxy_ssl.conf:

    server {
      client_max_body_size 30M;

    Further Remarks

    So basically you have to run three scripts, to run Artifactory on a VM. Of course, you can add the two playbooks to the provision-part of the Vagrantfile. For the sake of better debugging (something will go probably wrong), I recommend running them separately.

    The set-up here is for a local or small team installation of Artifactory, as Vagrant and docker-compose are tools made for development. However, I added a deploy-part in the docker-compose.yml, so you can easily set up a swarm and run the docker-compose.yml with docker stack without any problems. Instead of Vagrant, you can use Terraform or Apache Mesos or other tools to build an infrastructure in production.

    To further pre-configure Artifactory, you can use the Artifactory REST API or provide custom configuration files in artifactory/data/artifactory/etc/.



  • Docker Networking – Overlay Network

    As we have seen in the tutorial about Docker swarm, the IP addresses of our services can change, e.g. every time we deploy new services to a swarm or containers are restarted or newly created by the swarm-manager etc. So services better address other services by using their name instead of their IP-address.

    Default Overlay Network

    As we have seen in the Docker Swarm Tutorial, an application can span several nodes (physical and virtual machines) that contain services that communicate with each other. To allow services to communicate with each other, Docker provides so-called overlay networks.

    Please set-up the example from Docker Swarm Tutorial before we deploy our service:

    docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml dataapp

    Creating network dataapp_default
    Creating service dataapp_web

    Now let us show all the networks with the scope on a swarm

    docker network ls 

    NETWORK ID          NAME                  DRIVER              SCOPE
    515f5972c61a        bridge                bridge              local
    uvbm629gioga        dataapp_default       overlay             swarm
    a40cd6f03e65        docker_gwbridge       bridge              local
    c789c6be4aca        host                  host                local
    p5a03bvnf92t        ingress               overlay             swarm
    efe5622e25bf        none                  null                local

    If a container joins a swarm, two networks are created on the host the container runs on

    • ingress network, as the default overlay-network. This network will route requests for services to a task for that service. You can find more about ingress filtering on wikipedia.
    • docker_gwbrige, which connects stand-alone Docker containers (like the two alpine containers we created earlier) to containers inside of a swarm.

    You can specify a user-defined overlay network in the docker-compose.yml. We haven’t done this so far, so Docker creates one for use with the name of the service and an extension, in this case, dataservice_default.

    Let us verify which containers belong to our network dataservice_default.

    docker-machine ssh vm-manager docker container ls

    CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                                  COMMAND              CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES
    99e248ad51bc        vividbreeze/docker-tutorial:version1   "java DataService"   19 minutes ago      Up 19 minutes                           dataapp_dataservice.1.osci7tq58ag6o444ymldv6usm
    f12dea1973da        vividbreeze/docker-tutorial:version1   "java DataService"   19 minutes ago      Up 19 minutes                           dataapp_dataservice.3.2m6674gdu8mndivpio008ylf5

    We see that two containers of our service are running on the vm-manager. Let us now have a look at the dataservice_default network on the vm-manager

    docker-machine ssh vm-manager docker network inspect dataapp_default

    In the Containers-section of the REST response, you will see three containers that belong to the dataservice_default network, the two containers above, as well as a default-endpoint. You can verify vm-worker1 on your own.

    User-Defined Overlay Network

    So far our application consists of only one service. Let us add another service to our application (a database). In addition, we define our own network.

    version: "3"
        image: vividbreeze/docker-tutorial:version1
          replicas: 5
            condition: on-failure
          - "4000:8080"
          - data-network
        image: redis
          - "6379:6379"
            constraints: [node.role == manager]
          - data-network

    We added a database service (a Redis in-memory data storage service). In addition, we defined a network (data-network) and added both services to this network. You will also see a constraint for the Redis service, which defines that it should only run on the vm-manager. Now let us deploy our altered service

    docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml dataservice

    Creating network dataapp_data-network
    Creating service dataapp_dataservice
    Creating service dataapp_redis

    As expected, the new network (dataapp_data-network) and the new service (dataapp_redis) were created, our existing service was updated.

    docker network ls -f "scope=swarm"

    NETWORK ID          NAME                       DRIVER              SCOPE
    dobw7ifw63fo        dataapp_data-network       overlay             swarm
    uvbm629gioga        dataapp_default            overlay             swarm
    p5a03bvnf92t        ingress                    overlay             swarm

    The network is listed in our list of available networks (notice that the dataapp_default network still exists. As we don’t need it anymore and can delete it with

    docker network rm dataservice_default

    Let us now log into our containers and see if we could ping the other containers using their name. First get a list of containers on vm-worker1 (the container ids are sufficient here)

    docker-machine ssh vm-worker1 docker container ls -q


    Now let us execute a ping to the service dataservice and to the redisservice that runs on the vm-manager from one of these containers.

    docker-machine ssh vm-worker1 docker container exec cf7fd10d88be ping dataservice

    docker-machine ssh vm-worker1 docker container exec cf7fd10d88be ping redis

    In both cases, the services should be reached

    PING web ( 56(84) bytes of data.
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.076 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.064 ms
    PING redis ( 56(84) bytes of data.
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.082 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.070 ms

    Routing Mesh

    The nodes in our swarm now the IP-address (vm-manager) and (vm-worker1)

    docker-machine ip vm-manager

    docker-machine ip vm-worker1

    We can reach our webservice from both(!) machines



    It doesn’t matter if the machine is a manager-node or a worker-mode. Why is this so?

    Docker Swarm Ingress Network
    Docker Swarm Ingress Network

    Earlier, I mentioned the so-called ingress network or ingress filtering. This network receives a service request and routes it to the corresponding task. The load-balancing is present on each node and uses the IP virtual server from the Linux kernel. This load-balancer is stateless and routes packages on the TCP-Layer.

    Internally the containers communicate via a virtual IP. The beauty here is that if one container/task crashes, the other containers won’t notice, as they communicate with each other via the Virtual IP.


    Docker Swarm Inter-Container Communication via Virtual IP
    Docker Swarm Inter-Container Communication via Virtual IP

    You can find this virtual IP by using

    docker service inspect dataapp_dataservice

    Further Remarks

    Of course, every container can also connect to the outside world. In inherits the DNS settings from the Docker daemon (/etc/hosts and /etc/resolv.conf).

    The name service provided by Docker only works within the Docker space, e.g. within a Docker swarm, between containers. From outside of a container, you can’t reference the services by their name. Often this isn’t necessary and even not desired for security reasons (like the Redis datastore in our example). Here you might want to have a closer look at Zookeeper or Consul or similar tools.

    When you use docker-compose a bridge network will be created, as docker-compose won’t work for a swarm.

    However, if you have applications running with many services running, you might consider Docker management tools, such as Portainer, Docker ToolBox, or Dockstation.


  • Docker Networking – Bridge Network

    Default Bridge Network

    Containers, that run on the same machine (share the same Docker daemon) and are not part of a swarm use the so-called bridge network (a virtual network) to communicate with each other.

    Let us create two basic containers

    docker container run -d --name nginx2 -p3001:80 nginx:alpine

    docker container run -d --name nginx2 -p3002:80 nginx:alpine

    You can inspect the bridge-network with

    docker network inspect bridge

    and you will see in the container section of this REST response, that the newly created docker-containers belong to this network.

    "Containers": {
        "9b4e3e3ca279518708ed88a629ba5d40bd1e94d5ed316b74b026b12c1034b497": {
            "Name": "nginx2",
            "EndpointID": "5a65daa2976ff986e2a9b4aeb9df8e990b0bf0a45ac60dd05475af20f15cc5c9",
            "MacAddress": "02:42:ac:11:00:03",
            "IPv4Address": "",
            "IPv6Address": ""
        "c57ee29c8babf8ecf20e5c2a9a66b30c49cc6bb94b22cd4daad79b87f7a33358": {
            "Name": "nginx1",
            "EndpointID": "75dc77f5a8677485aaee91c33734e720ebbb61b94917eacba8f50bd4dc7a88e3",
            "MacAddress": "02:42:ac:11:00:02",
            "IPv4Address": "",
            "IPv6Address": ""

    You also see the IP address of container nginx1 ( and nginx2 ( We can also see the IP address an subnet of the bridge:

    "IPAM": {
        "Driver": "default",
        "Options": null,
        "Config": [
                "Subnet": "",
                "Gateway": ""

    Now let us see if the nginx-containers can see each other, as well as the bridge.

    docker container exec -it nginx1 ping

    docker container exec -it nginx1 ping

    docker container exec -it nginx2 ping

    docker container exec -it nginx2 ping

    In each case, you should be able to reach the destination

    PING ( 56 data bytes
    64 bytes from seq=0 ttl=64 time=0.092 ms
    64 bytes from seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.167 ms
    64 bytes from seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.126 ms
    Default Bridge Network Docker
    Default Bridge Network Docker

    However, what is not working with the default bridge network is name resolution, e.g.

    docker container exec -it nginx1 ping nginx2

    should not work and lead to a

    ping: bad address 'nginx2'

    Custom Bridge Networks (embedded DNS)

    So to make this work, we have to create our own network

    docker network create --driver bridge nginx-net

    You can see the new network (and other networks) by using

    docker network ls

    NETWORK ID          NAME                DRIVER              SCOPE
    1f3e6ded4f9a        bridge              bridge              local
    20fe2ddb80e6        host                host                local
    6d96ed99b06b        nginx-net           bridge              local
    5866618435c1        none                null                local

    Now let us connect our two containers to this network

    docker network connect nginx-net nginx1

    docker network connect nginx-net nginx2

    If you now do a docker network inspect nginx-net you will see that both containers are connected to this network. You will notice, that the IP-addresses of these containers in this network have changed (the subnet is compared to as in the default-bridge network).

    "Containers": {
         "a1ce9d1f383cf10b3a0cd27d6ef482719ae4e3ae48cb5b8402b2d3d8b897db03": {
             "Name": "nginx2",
             "EndpointID": "49fc6d33e57e909f0f0ea98e00c8d8f2f2db996d001a3359b1a6dcc968254f91",
             "MacAddress": "02:42:ac:13:00:03",
             "IPv4Address": "",
             "IPv6Address": ""
         "c57ee29c8babf8ecf20e5c2a9a66b30c49cc6bb94b22cd4daad79b87f7a33358": {
             "Name": "nginx1",
             "EndpointID": "fb7e9c28e6a5564e9bba182ada2ce8048d9ab5b8ec3620f7e03a2491b18219b2",
             "MacAddress": "02:42:ac:13:00:02",
             "IPv4Address": "",
             "IPv6Address": ""

    Now let run a ping against the other containers by name again

    docker container exec -it nginx1 ping nginx2

    PING nginx2 ( 56 data bytes
    64 bytes from seq=0 ttl=64 time=0.139 ms
    64 bytes from seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.152 ms
    c64 bytes from seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.100 ms

    The same should work for the other connections. So basically, the name of the container is its host-name.

    Custom Bridge Network Docker
    Custom Bridge Network Docker

    So why is DNS inside of Docker networks so important? As we have especially seen in the tutorials about Docker Swarm, you can’t rely on the IP address of containers, as they may change, especially when a swarm manager has control over the containers. Hence it is much reliable and easier to reference containers by name than their IP address.

    Round-Robin DNS

    Let us take our dataService from the Swarm tutorial and create two Docker containers on the same host

    docker container run --name dataservice1 -d -p4001:8080 vividbreeze/docker-tutorial:version1

    docker container run --name dataservice2 -d -p4002:8080 vividbreeze/docker-tutorial:version1

    So you call these services you should get a response with an id. This id should be different, depending on the port.


    <?xml version="1.0" ?><result><name>hello</name><id>2128</id></result>


    <?xml version="1.0" ?><result><name>hello</name><id>1976</id></result>

    Now let us create a custom bridge-network and assign both containers to this network.

    docker network create --driver bridge dataservice-net

    docker network connect dataservice-net --alias dataservice dataservice1

    docker network connect dataservice-net --alias dataservice dataservice2

    We used a new parameter called --alias. This alias is an alias for the embedded DNS service, i.e. that when I call dataservice inside of the dataservice-net, the embedded DNS will return the IP address from either dataservice1 or dataservice2. Let us test this by running a new container inside this network and executing curl dataservice:8080 (because inside of dataservice-net both containers listen to port 8080 on different IP-addresses).

    docker container run --rm -it --network dataservice-net centos curl dataservice:8080

    This command runs a new Docker container with CentOS, executes a curl (-it) and deletes itself afterwards (–rm).

    If you repeat this command a couple of time, you see that the either one of the containers returns a result (you can see this on the different ids they return).

    $ docker container run --rm -it --network dataservice-net centos curl dataservice:8080
    <?xml version="1.0" ?><result><name>hello</name><id>1976</id></result>
    $ docker container run --rm -it --network dataservice-net centos curl dataservice:8080
    <?xml version="1.0" ?><result><name>hello</name><id>1976</id></result>
    $ docker container run --rm -it --network dataservice-net centos curl dataservice:8080
    <?xml version="1.0" ?><result><name>hello</name><id>2128</id></result>
    $ docker container run --rm -it --network dataservice-net centos curl dataservice:8080
    <?xml version="1.0" ?><result><name>hello</name><id>2128</id></result>
    $ docker container run --rm -it --network dataservice-net centos curl dataservice:8080
    <?xml version="1.0" ?><result><name>hello</name><id>1976</id></result>
    $ docker container run --rm -it --network dataservice-net centos curl dataservice:8080
    <?xml version="1.0" ?><result><name>hello</name><id>2128</id></result>
    Round Robin DNS - Custom Bridge Network Docker
    Round Robin DNS – Custom Bridge Network Docker

    What is the beauty here? The loads (requests) is balanced between the two containers. If you stop one of the containers, a request to dataservice will still return a result.

    docker container stop dataservice1

    docker container run --rm -it --network dataservice-net centos curl dataservice:8080

    $ docker container run --rm -it --network dataservice-net centos curl dataservice:8080
    <?xml version="1.0" ?><result><name>hello</name><id>1976</id></result>
    $ docker container run --rm -it --network dataservice-net centos curl dataservice:8080
    <?xml version="1.0" ?><result><name>hello</name><id>1976</id></result>
    $ docker container run --rm -it --network dataservice-net centos curl dataservice:8080
    <?xml version="1.0" ?><result><name>hello</name><id>1976</id></result>
    $ docker container run --rm -it --network dataservice-net centos curl dataservice:8080
    <?xml version="1.0" ?><result><name>hello</name><id>1976</id></result>

    We will later discuss, how we can use this DNS balancing from outside of the network.

    Further Remarks

    A bridge network can be reached by its IP address from the Docker host, when you are working on Linux (or from inside the Docker VM if you are working on MacOSX or Windows), but not by its name.  The way you can access the containers from the host (also MacOSX and Windows) is by its ports on the local machine, e.g.  curl or curl

    If you are not exposing a port when running the container, the container won’t be accessible from outside of the bridge network (which is fine). This makes sense if you e.g have a service that connects to a database. The service should be accessible from the host network, while the database should only be accessed by the service.

    A container can belong to several networks. You can try this by creating more of our small containers and connect them to our nginx-net or newly created networks.


  • Docker Swarm – Multiple Nodes

    In the first part of this series, we built a Docker swarm, consisting of just one node (our local machine). The nodes can act as swarm-managers and (or) swarm-workers. Now we want to create a swarm that spans more than one node (one machine).

    Creating a Swarm

    Creating the Infrastructure

    First, we set up a cluster, consisting of Virtual Machines. We have used Vagrant before to create Virtual Machines on our local machine. Here, we will use docker-machine to create virtual machines on VirtualBox (you should have VirtualBox installed on your computer). docker-machine is a tool to create Docker VMs, however, it should not be used in production, where more configuration of a virtual machine is needed.

    docker-machine create --driver virtualbox vm-manager

    docker-machine create --driver virtualbox vm-worker1

    docker-machine uses a lightweight Linux distribution (boot2docker) including Docker, that will start within seconds (after the image was downloaded). As an alternative, you might use the alpine2docker Vagrant box.

    Let us have a look at our virtual machines

    docker-machine ls

    vm-manager - virtualbox Running tcp:// v18.06.0-ce
    vm-worker1 - virtualbox Running tcp:// v18.06.0-ce

    Setting Up the Swarm

    As the name suggests, our first vm1 will be a swarm-manager, while the other two machines will be swarm-workers. Let us log into our first Virtual Machine and define it as a swarm-manager

    docker-machine ssh vm-manager

    docker swarm init

    You might run into an error message such as

    Error response from daemon: could not choose an IP address to advertise since this system has multiple addresses on different interfaces ( on eth0 and on eth1) - specify one with --advertise-addr

    I initialised the swarm with the local address ( on eth1. You will get the ip address of a machine, using

    docker-machine ip vm-manager (outside of the VM)

    So now let us try to initialise the swarm again

    docker swarm init --advertise-addr

    Swarm initialized: current node (9cnhj2swve2rynyh6fx7h72if) is now a manager.
    To add a worker to this swarm, run the following command:
        docker swarm join --token SWMTKN-1-2k1c6126hvjkch1ub74gea0hkcr1timpqlcxr5p4msm598xxg7-6fj5ccmlqdjgrw36ll2t3zr2t
    To add a manager to this swarm, run 'docker swarm join-token manager' and follow the instructions.

    The output displays the command to add a worker to the swarm. So now we can log into our two worker VMs and execute this command to initialise the swarm mode as a worker. You don’t have to open a secure shell on the VM explicitly; you can also execute a command on the VM directly

    docker-machine ssh vm-worker1 docker swarm join --token SWMTKN-1-2k1c6126hvjkch1ub74gea0hkcr1timpqlcxr5p4msm598xxg7-6fj5ccmlqdjgrw36ll2t3zr2t

    You should see something like

    This node joined a swarm as a worker.

    To see if everything ran smoothly, we can list the nodes in our swarm

    docker-machine ssh vm-manager docker node ls

    ID                            HOSTNAME            STATUS              AVAILABILITY        MANAGER STATUS      ENGINE VERSION
    9cnhj2swve2rynyh6fx7h72if *   vm-manager          Ready               Active              Leader              18.06.0-ce
    sfflcyts946pazrr2q9rjh79x     vm-worker1          Ready               Active                                  18.06.0-ce

    The main difference between a worker node and a manager node is that managers are workers that can control the swarm. The node I invoke swarm init, will become the swarm leader (and manager, by default). There can be several managers, but only one swarm leader.

    During initialisation, a root certificate for the swarm is created, a certificate is issued for this first node and the join tokens for new managers and workers are created.

    Most of the swarm data is stored in a so Raft-database (such as certificates, configurations etc.). This database is distributed over all manager nodes. A Raft is a consensus algorithm that insists consistency over the manager nodes (Docker implementation of the Raft algorithm). thesecretliveofdata.com provides a brilliant tutorial about the raft algorithm.

    Most data is stored encrypted on the nodes. The communication inside of the swarm is encrypted.

    Docker Swarm
    Docker Swarm


    Dictate Docker to run Commands against particular Node

    Set environment variables to dictate that docker should run a command against a particular machine.

    Running pre-create checks...
    Creating machine...
    (vm-manager) Copying /Users/vividbreeze/.docker/machine/cache/boot2docker.iso to /Users/vividbreeze/.docker/machine/machines/vm-manager/boot2docker.iso...
    (vm-manager) Creating VirtualBox VM...
    (vm-manager) Creating SSH key...
    (vm-manager) Starting the VM...
    (vm-manager) Check network to re-create if needed...
    (vm-manager) Waiting for an IP...
    Waiting for machine to be running, this may take a few minutes...
    Detecting operating system of created instance...
    Waiting for SSH to be available...
    Detecting the provisioner...
    Provisioning with boot2docker...
    Copying certs to the local machine directory...
    Copying certs to the remote machine...
    Setting Docker configuration on the remote daemon...
    Checking connection to Docker...
    Docker is up and running!
    To see how to connect your Docker Client to the Docker Engine running on this virtual machine, run: docker-machine env vm-manager

    The last line tells you, how to connect your client (your machine), to the virtual machine you just created

    docker-machine env vm-manager

    exports the necessary docker environment variables with the values for the VM vm-manager

    export DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY="1"
    export DOCKER_HOST="tcp://"
    export DOCKER_CERT_PATH="/Users/vividbreeze/.docker/machine/machines/vm-manager"
    export DOCKER_MACHINE_NAME="vm-manager"
    # Run this command to configure your shell:
    # eval $(docker-machine env vm-manager)

    eval $(docker-machine env vm-manager)

    dictates docker, to run all commands against vm-manager, e.g. the above docker node ls, or  docker image ls etc. will also run against the VM vm-manager.

    So now I can use docker node ls directly, to list the nodes in my swarm, as all docker commands now run against Docker on vm-manager (before I had to usedocker-machine ssh vm-manager docker node ls).

    To reverse this command use docker-machine env -u and subsequently eval $(docker-machine env -u).

    Deploying the Application

    Now we can use the example from part I of the tutorial. Here is a copy of my docker-compose.yml, so you can follow this example (I increase the number of replicas from 3 to 5).

    version: "3"
        image: vividbreeze/docker-tutorial:version1
          replicas: 5
            condition: on-failure
          - "4000:8080"

    Let us deploy our service as describe in docker-compose.yml and name it dataservice

    docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml dataapp

    Creating network dataapp_default
    Creating service dataapp_dataservice

    Docker created a new service, called dataapp_dataservice and a network called dataapp_default. The network is a private network for the services that belong to the swarm to communicate with each other. We will have a closer look at networking in the next tutorial. So far nothing new as it seems.

    Let us have a closer look at our dataservice

    docker stack ps dataapp

    ID                  NAME                    IMAGE                                  NODE                    DESIRED STATE       CURRENT STATE                    ERROR               PORTS
    s79brivew6ye        dataapp_dataservice.1   vividbreeze/docker-tutorial:version1   linuxkit-025000000001   Running             Running less than a second ago
    gn3sncfbzc2s        dataapp_dataservice.2   vividbreeze/docker-tutorial:version1   linuxkit-025000000001   Running             Running less than a second ago
    wg5184iug130        dataapp_dataservice.3   vividbreeze/docker-tutorial:version1   linuxkit-025000000001   Running             Running less than a second ago
    i4a90y3hd6i6        dataapp_dataservice.4   vividbreeze/docker-tutorial:version1   linuxkit-025000000001   Running             Running less than a second ago
    b4prawsu81mu        dataapp_dataservice.5   vividbreeze/docker-tutorial:version1   linuxkit-025000000001   Running             Running less than a second ago

    As you can see, the load was distributed to both VMs, no matter which role they have (swarm manager or swarm worker).

    The requests can now go either against the IP of the VM manager or the VM worker. You can obtain its IP-address of the vm-manager with

    docker-machine ip vm-manager

    Now let us fire 10 requests against vm-manager to see if our service works

    repeat 10 { curl; echo }

    <?xml version="1.0" ?><result><name>hello</name><id>139</id></result>
    <?xml version="1.0" ?><result><name>hello</name><id>3846</id></result>
    <?xml version="1.0" ?><result><name>hello</name><id>149</id></result>
    <?xml version="1.0" ?><result><name>hello</name><id>2646</id></result>
    <?xml version="1.0" ?><result><name>hello</name><id>847</id></result>
    <?xml version="1.0" ?><result><name>hello</name><id>139</id></result>
    <?xml version="1.0" ?><result><name>hello</name><id>3846</id></result>
    <?xml version="1.0" ?><result><name>hello</name><id>149</id></result>
    <?xml version="1.0" ?><result><name>hello</name><id>2646</id></result>
    <?xml version="1.0" ?><result><name>hello</name><id>847</id></result>

    If everything is working, we should see five different kinds of responses (as five items were deployed in our swarm). The following picture describes shows how services are deployed.

    Docker Stack Deployment Process
    Docker Stack Deployment Process

    When we call docker stack deploy, the command transfers the docker-compose.yml to the swarm manager, the manager creates the services and deploys it to the swarm (as defined in the deploy-part of the docker-compose.yml). Each of the replicas (in our case 5) is called a task. Each task can be deployed on one or nodes (basically the container with the service-image is started on this node); this can be on a swarm-manager or swarm-worker. The result is depicted in the next picture.

    Docker Service Deployment
    Docker Service Deployment

    Managing the Swarm

    Dealing with a Crashed Node

    In the last tutorial, we defined a restart-policy, so the swarm-manger will automatically start a new container, in case one crashes. Let us now see what happens when we remote our worker

    docker-machine rm vm-worker1

    We can see that while the server (vm-worker1) is shutting down, new tasks are created on the vm-manager

    > docker stack ps dataservice
    ID                  NAME                    IMAGE                                  NODE                DESIRED STATE       CURRENT STATE                  ERROR               PORTS
    vc26y4375kbt        dataapp_dataservice.1       vividbreeze/docker-tutorial:version1   vm-manager          Ready               Ready less than a second ago
    kro6i06ljtk6         \_ dataapp_dataservice.1   vividbreeze/docker-tutorial:version1   vm-worker1          Shutdown            Running 12 minutes ago
    ugw5zuvdatgp        dataapp_dataservice.2       vividbreeze/docker-tutorial:version1   vm-manager          Running             Running 12 minutes ago
    u8pi3o4jn90p        dataapp_dataservice.3       vividbreeze/docker-tutorial:version1   vm-manager          Ready               Ready less than a second ago
    hqp9to9puy6q         \_ dataapp_dataservice.3   vividbreeze/docker-tutorial:version1   vm-worker1          Shutdown            Running 12 minutes ago
    iqwpetbr9qv2        dataapp_dataservice.4       vividbreeze/docker-tutorial:version1   vm-manager          Running             Running 12 minutes ago
    koiy3euv9g4h        dataapp_dataservice.5       vividbreeze/docker-tutorial:version1   vm-manager          Ready               Ready less than a second ago
    va66g4n3kwb5         \_ dataapp_dataservice.5   vividbreeze/docker-tutorial:version1   vm-worker1          Shutdown            Running 12 minutes ago

    A moment later you will see all 5 tasks running up again.

    Dealing with Increased Workload in a Swarm

    Increasing the number of Nodes

    Let us now assume that the workload on our dataservice is growing rapidly. Firstly, we can distribute the load to more VMs.

    docker-machine create --driver virtualbox vm-worker2

    docker-machine create --driver virtualbox vm-worker3

    In case we forgot the token that is necessary to join our swarm as a worker, use

    docker swarm join-token worker

    Now let us add our two new machines to the swarm

    docker-machine ssh vm-worker2 docker swarm join --token SWMTKN-1-371xs3hz1yi8vfoxutr01qufa5e4kyy0k1c6fvix4k62iq8l2h-969rhkw0pnwc2ahhnblm4ic1m

    docker-machine ssh vm-worker3 docker swarm join --token SWMTKN-1-371xs3hz1yi8vfoxutr01qufa5e4kyy0k1c6fvix4k62iq8l2h-969rhkw0pnwc2ahhnblm4ic1m

    As you can see when using docker stack ps dataapp, the tasks were not automatically deployed to the new VMs.

    ID                  NAME                IMAGE                                  NODE                DESIRED STATE       CURRENT STATE            ERROR               PORTS
    0rp9mk0ocil2        dataapp_dataservice.1   vividbreeze/docker-tutorial:version1   vm-manager          Running             Running 18 minutes ago
    3gju7xv20ktr        dataapp_dataservice.2   vividbreeze/docker-tutorial:version1   vm-manager          Running             Running 13 minutes ago
    wwi72sji3k6v        dataapp_dataservice.3   vividbreeze/docker-tutorial:version1   vm-manager          Running             Running 13 minutes ago
    of5uketh1dbk        dataapp_dataservice.4   vividbreeze/docker-tutorial:version1   vm-manager          Running             Running 13 minutes ago
    xzmnmjnpyxmc        dataapp_dataservice.5   vividbreeze/docker-tutorial:version1   vm-manager          Running             Running 13 minutes ago

    The swarm-manager decides when to utilise new nodes. Its main priority is to avoid disruption of running services (even when they are idle). Of course, you can always force an update, which might take some time

    docker service update dataapp_dataservice -f

    Increasing the number of Replicas

    In addition, we can also increase the number of replicas in our docker-compose.xml

    version: "3"
        image: vividbreeze/docker-tutorial:version1
          replicas: 10
            condition: on-failure
          - "4000:8080"

    Now rundocker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml dataservice

    docker stack ps dataapp shows that 5 new tasks (and respectively containers) have been created. Now the swarm-manager has utilised the new VMs.

    D                  NAME                 IMAGE                                  NODE                DESIRED STATE       CURRENT STATE             ERROR               PORTS
    0rp9mk0ocil2        dataapp_dataservice.1    vividbreeze/docker-tutorial:version1   vm-manager          Running             Running 20 minutes ago
    3gju7xv20ktr        dataapp_dataservice.2    vividbreeze/docker-tutorial:version1   vm-manager          Running             Running 15 minutes ago
    wwi72sji3k6v        dataapp_dataservice.3    vividbreeze/docker-tutorial:version1   vm-manager          Running             Running 15 minutes ago
    of5uketh1dbk        dataapp_dataservice.4    vividbreeze/docker-tutorial:version1   vm-manager          Running             Running 15 minutes ago
    xzmnmjnpyxmc        dataapp_dataservice.5    vividbreeze/docker-tutorial:version1   vm-manager          Running             Running 15 minutes ago
    qn1ilzk57dhw        dataapp_dataservice.6    vividbreeze/docker-tutorial:version1   vm-worker3          Running             Preparing 3 seconds ago
    5eyq0t8fqr2y        dataapp_dataservice.7    vividbreeze/docker-tutorial:version1   vm-worker3          Running             Preparing 3 seconds ago
    txvf6yaq6v3i        dataapp_dataservice.8    vividbreeze/docker-tutorial:version1   vm-worker2          Running             Preparing 3 seconds ago
    b2y3o5iwxmx1        dataapp_dataservice.9    vividbreeze/docker-tutorial:version1   vm-worker3          Running             Preparing 3 seconds ago
    rpov7buw9czc        dataapp_dataservice.10   vividbreeze/docker-tutorial:version1   vm-worker3          Running             Preparing 3 seconds ago

    Further Remarks

    To summarise

    • Use docker-machine (as an alternative to vagrant or others) to create VMs running Docker.
    • Use docker swarm to define a cluster that can run your application. The cluster can span physical machines and virtual machines (also in clouds). A machine can either be a manager or a worker.
    • Define your application in a docker-compose.yml.
    • Use docker stack to deploy your application in the swarm.

    This again was a simple, pretty straightforward example. You can easily use docker-machine to create VMs in AWS E2 or Google Compute Engine and cloud services. Use this script to quickly install Docker on a VM.

    A quick note, please always be aware on which machine you are working. You can easily get the Docker CLI to run against a different machine with docker-machine env vm-manager.  To reverse this command use docker-machine env -u.

  • Docker Swarm – Single Node

    In the previous tutorial, we created one small service, and let it run in an isolated Docker container. In reality, your application might consist of many of different services. An e-commerce application encompasses services to register new customers, search for products, list products, show recommendations and so on. These services might even exist more than one time when they are heavily requested. So an application can be seen as a composition of different services (that run in containers).

    In this first part of the tutorial, we will work with the simple application of the Docker Basics Tutorial, that contains only one service. We will deploy this service more than one time and let run on only one machine. In part II we will scale this application over many machines.


    Before we start, you should have completed the first part of the tutorial series. As a result, you should an image uploaded to the DockerHub registry. In my case, the image name is vividbreeze/docker-tutorial:version1.

    Docker Swarm

    As mentioned above, a real-world application consists of many containers spread over different hosts. Many hosts can be grouped to a so-called swarm (mainly hosts that run Docker in swarm-mode). A swarm is managed by one or more swarm managers and consists of one or many workers. Before we continue, we have to initial a swarm on our machine.

    docker swarm init

    Swarm initialized: current node (pnb2698sy8gw3c82whvwcrd77) is now a manager.
    To add a worker to this swarm, run the following command:
        docker swarm join --token SWMTKN-1-39y3w3x0iiqppn57pf2hnrtoj867m992xd9fqkd4c3p83xtej0-9mpv98zins5l0ts8j62ociz4w
    To add a manager to this swarm, run 'docker swarm join-token manager' and follow the instructions.

    The swarm was initialised with one node (our machine) as a swarm manager.

    Docker Stack

    We now have to design our application. We do this in a file called docker-compose.yml.  So far, we have just developed one service, and that runs inside one Docker container. In this part of the tutorial, our application will only consist of one service. Now let us assume this service is heavily used and we want to scale it.

    version: "3"
        image: vividbreeze/docker-tutorial:version1
          replicas: 3
          - "4000:8080"

    The file contains the name of our service and the number of instances (or replicas) that should be deployed. We now do the port mapping here. The port 8080 that is used by the service inside of our container will be mapped to the port 4000 on our host.

    To create our application use (you have to invoke this command from the vm-manager node)

    docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml dataapp

    Creating network dataapp_default
    Creating service dataapp_dataservice

    Docker now has created a network dataservice_web and a network dataservice_webnet. We will come to networking in the last part of this tutorial. By „stack“, Docker means a stack of (scaled) services that together form an application. A stack can be deployed on one swarm. It has to be called from a Swarm manager.

    Let us now have a look, of how many containers were created

    docker container ls

    ONTAINER ID        IMAGE                                  COMMAND              CREATED                  STATUS              PORTS                    NAMES
    bb18e9d71530        vividbreeze/docker-tutorial:version1   "java DataService"   Less than a second ago   Up 8 seconds                                 dataapp_dataservice.3.whaxlg53wxugsrw292l19gm2b
    441fb80b9476        vividbreeze/docker-tutorial:version1   "java DataService"   Less than a second ago   Up 7 seconds                                 dataapp_dataservice.4.93x7ma6xinyde9jhearn8hjav
    512eedb2ac63        vividbreeze/docker-tutorial:version1   "java DataService"   Less than a second ago   Up 6 seconds                                 dataapp_dataservice.1.v1o32qvqu75ipm8sra76btfo6

    In Docker terminology, each of these containers is called a task. Now each container cannot be accessed directly through the localhost and the port (they have no port), but through a manager, that listens to port 4000 on the localhost. These five containers, containing the same service, are bundled together and appear as one service. This service is listed by using

    docker service ls
    ID                  NAME                  MODE                REPLICAS            IMAGE                                  PORTS
    zfbbxn0rgksx        dataapp_dataservice   replicated          5/5                 vividbreeze/docker-tutorial:version1   *:4000->8080/tcp

    You can see the tasks (containers) that belong to this services with

    docker service ps dataservice_web

    ID                  NAME                    IMAGE                                  NODE                    DESIRED STATE       CURRENT STATE            ERROR                         PORTS
    lmw0gnxcs57o        dataapp_dataservice.1       vividbreeze/docker-tutorial:version1   linuxkit-025000000001   Running             Running 13 minutes ago
    fozpqkmrmsb3        dataapp_dataservice.2       vividbreeze/docker-tutorial:version1   linuxkit-025000000001   Running             Running 13 minutes ago
    gc6dccwxw53f        dataapp_dataservice.3       vividbreeze/docker-tutorial:version1   linuxkit-025000000001   Running             Running 13 minutes ago

    Now let us call the service 10 times

    repeat 10 { curl localhost:4000; echo } (zsh)
    for ((n=0;n<10;n++)); do curl localhost:4000; echo; done (bash)

    <?xml version="1.0" ?><result><name>hello</name><id>2925</id></result>
    <?xml version="1.0" ?><result><name>hello</name><id>1624</id></result>
    <?xml version="1.0" ?><result><name>hello</name><id>2515</id></result>
    <?xml version="1.0" ?><result><name>hello</name><id>2925</id></result>
    <?xml version="1.0" ?><result><name>hello</name><id>1624</id></result>
    <?xml version="1.0" ?><result><name>hello</name><id>2515</id></result>
    <?xml version="1.0" ?><result><name>hello</name><id>2925</id></result>
    <?xml version="1.0" ?><result><name>hello</name><id>1624</id></result>
    <?xml version="1.0" ?><result><name>hello</name><id>2515</id></result>
    <?xml version="1.0" ?><result><name>hello</name><id>2925</id></result>

    Now you can see, that our service is called ten times, each time one of the services running inside of the containers were used to handle the request (you see three different ids). The service manager (dataservice-web) acts as a load-balancer. In this case, the load balancer uses a round-robin strategy.

    To sum it up, in the docker-compose.yml, we defined our desired state (3 replicas of one service). Docker tries to maintain this desired state using the resources that are available. In our case, one host (one node). A swarm-manager manages the service, including the containers, we have just created. The service can be reached at port 4000 on the localhost.

    Restart Policy

    This can be useful for updating the number of replicas or changing other parameters. Let us play with some of the parameters. Let us add a restart policy to our docker-compose.yml

    version: "3"
        image: vividbreeze/docker-tutorial:version1
          replicas: 3
            condition: on-failure
          - "4000:8080"

    and update our configuration

    docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml dataapp

    Let us now call our service again 3 times to memorise the ids

    repeat 3 { curl localhost:4000; echo  }
    <?xml version="1.0" ?><result><name>hello</name><id>713</id></result>
    <?xml version="1.0" ?><result><name>hello</name><id>1157</id></result>
    <?xml version="1.0" ?><result><name>hello</name><id>3494</id></result>

    Now let us get the names of our containers

    docker container ls -f "name=dataservice_web"
    CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                                  COMMAND              CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES
    953e010ab4e5        vividbreeze/docker-tutorial:version1   "java DataService"   15 minutes ago      Up 15 minutes                           dataapp_dataservice.1.pb0r4rkr8wzacitgzfwr5fcs7
    f732ffccfdad        vividbreeze/docker-tutorial:version1   "java DataService"   15 minutes ago      Up 15 minutes                           dataapp_dataservice.3.rk7seglslg66cegt6nrehzhzi
    8fb716ef0091        vividbreeze/docker-tutorial:version1   "java DataService"   15 minutes ago      Up 15 minutes                           datasapp_dataservice.2.0mdkfpjxpldnezcqvc7gcibs8

    Now let us kill one of these containers, to see if our manager will start a new one again

    docker container rm -f 953e010ab4e5

    It may take a few seconds, but then you will see a newly created container created by the swarm manager (the container-id of the first container is now different).

    docker container ls -f "name=dataservice_web"
    CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                                  COMMAND              CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES
    bc8b6fa861be        vividbreeze/docker-tutorial:version1   "java DataService"   53 seconds ago      Up 48 seconds                           dataapp_dataservice.1.5aminmnu9fx8qnbzoklfbzyj5
    f732ffccfdad        vividbreeze/docker-tutorial:version1   "java DataService"   17 minutes ago      Up 17 minutes                           dataapp_dataservice.3.rk7seglslg66cegt6nrehzhzi
    8fb716ef0091        vividbreeze/docker-tutorial:version1   "java DataService"   18 minutes ago      Up 17 minutes                           dataapp_datavervice.2.0mdkfpjxpldnezcqvc7gcibs8

    The id in the response of one of the replicas of the service has changed

    repeat 3 { curl localhost:4000; echo  }
    <?xml version="1.0" ?><result><name>hello</name><id>2701</id></result>
    <?xml version="1.0" ?><result><name>hello</name><id>1157</id></result>
    <?xml version="1.0" ?><result><name>hello</name><id>3494</id></result>

    Resources Allocation

    You can also change the resources, such as CPU-time and memory that will be allocated to a service

    image: vividbreeze/docker-tutorial:version1
      replicas: 3
        condition: on-failure
          cpus: '0.50'
          memory: 10M
          cpus: '0.25'
          memory: 5M

    The service will be allocated to at most 50% CPU-time and 50 MBytes of memory, and at least 25% CPU-time and 5 MBytes of memory.

    Docker Compose

    Instead of docker stack, you can also use docker-compose. docker-compose is a program, written in Python, that does the container orchestration for you on a local machine, e.g. it ignores the deploy-part in the docker-compose.yml.

    However, docker-compose uses some nice debugging and clean-up functionality, e.g. if you start our application with

    docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up

    you will see the logs of all services (we only have one at the moment) colour-coded in your terminal window.

    WARNING: Some services (web) use the 'deploy' key, which will be ignored. Compose does not support 'deploy' configuration - use `docker stack deploy` to deploy to a swarm.
    WARNING: The Docker Engine you're using is running in swarm mode.
    Compose does not use swarm mode to deploy services to multiple nodes in a swarm. All containers will be scheduled on the current node.
    To deploy your application across the swarm, use `docker stack deploy`.
    Creating network "docker_default" with the default driver
    Pulling web (vividbreeze/docker-tutorial:version1)...
    version1: Pulling from vividbreeze/docker-tutorial
    Digest: sha256:39e30edf7fa8fcb15112f861ff6908c17d514af3f9fcbccf78111bc811bc063d
    Status: Downloaded newer image for vividbreeze/docker-tutorial:version1
    Creating docker_web_1 ... done
    Attaching to docker_web_1

    You can see in the warning, that the deploy part of your docker-compose.yml is ignored, as docker-compose focusses on the composition of services on your local machine, and not across a swarm.

    If you want to clean up (containers, volumes, networks and other) just use

    docker-compose down

    docker-compose also allows you to build your images (docker stack won’t) in case it hasn’t been built before, e.g.

      context: .
      dockerfile: Dockerfile.NewDataservice
    image: dataserviceNew

    You might notice on the output of many commands, that docker-compose is different from the Docker commands. So again, use docker-compose only for Docker deployments on one host or to verify a docker-compose.yml on your local machine before using it in production.

    Further Remarks

    To summarise

    • Use docker swarm to define a cluster that runs our application. In our case the swarm consisted only of one machine (no real cluster). In the next part of the tutorial, we will see that a cluster can span various physical and virtual machines.
    • Define your application in a docker-compose.yml.
    • Use docker stack to deploy your application in the swarm in a production environment or docker-compose to test and deploy your application in a development environment.

    Of course, there is more to Services, than I explained in this tutorial. However, I hope it helped as a starting point to go into more depth.


  • Docker Basics – Part II

    In this previous introduction, I explained the Docker basics. Now we will write a small web-service and deploy it inside of a Docker container.


    You should have Docker (community edition) installed on the machine you are working with. As I will use Java code, you should also have Java 8 (JDK) locally installed. In addition, please create a free account at DockerHub.

    For the first steps, we will use this simple web service (DataService.java), that returns a short message and an id (random integer). This code is kept simple on purpose.

    import javax.xml.transform.Source;
    import javax.xml.transform.stream.StreamSource;
    import javax.xml.ws.Endpoint;
    import javax.xml.ws.Provider;
    import javax.xml.ws.WebServiceProvider;
    import javax.xml.ws.http.HTTPBinding;
    import java.io.StringReader;
    public class DataService implements Provider<Source> {
        public static int RANDOM_ID = (int) (Math.random() * 5000);
        public static String SERVER_URL = "";
        public Source invoke(Source request) {
            return new StreamSource(new StringReader("<result><name>hello</name><id>" + RANDOM_ID + "</id></result>"));
        public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
            Endpoint.create(HTTPBinding.HTTP_BINDING, new DataService()).publish(SERVER_URL);

    The web service listens to (all IP4 addresses on the local machine) as we use this class inside a Docker container. If we would use instead (the local interface inside of the container) requests from outside the request would not be handled.

    To use the service, compile the source code by using

    javac DataService.java

    Then run our service with

    java DataService

    The service should return a result when called

    curl localhost:8080

    <?xml version="1.0" ?><result><name>hello</name><id>2801</id></result>%

    The Docker Image

    Now we want to run this service inside a Docker Container. Firstly, we have to build the Docker image. Therefore we will create a so-called Dockerfile with the following content.

    FROM openjdk:8
    COPY ./DataService.class /usr/services/dataservice/
    WORKDIR /usr/services/dataservice
    CMD ["java", "DataService"]
    • FROM openjdk:8 loads the base image from Docker Hub and runs it.
    • COPY ./DataService.class /usr/services/dataservice/ copies our bytecode to a working directory inside of the container.
    • WORKDIR /usr/services/dataservice sets this folder as our working directory for all our subsequent commands.
    • CMD ["java", "DataService"] executes the java-command with our DataService binary code.

    Based on this image description, we now build our images tagged with the name dataservice-image

    docker build -t dataservice-image .

    Sending build context to Docker daemon  580.1kB
    Step 1/4 : FROM openjdk:8-alpine
    8-alpine: Pulling from library/openjdk
    8e3ba11ec2a2: Pull complete
    311ad0da4533: Pull complete
    df312c74ce16: Pull complete
    Digest: sha256:1fd5a77d82536c88486e526da26ae79b6cd8a14006eb3da3a25eb8d2d682ccd6
    Status: Downloaded newer image for openjdk:8-alpine
     ---> 5801f7d008e5
    Step 2/4 : COPY ./DataService.class /usr/src/dataservice/
     ---> e539c7ae3991
    Step 3/4 : WORKDIR /usr/src/dataservice
    Removing intermediate container 51e2909dd1b5
     ---> 8e290a1cc598
    Step 4/4 : CMD ["java", "DataService"]
     ---> Running in f31bba4d05de
    Removing intermediate container f31bba4d05de
     ---> 25176dbe486b
    Successfully built 25176dbe486b
    Successfully tagged dataservice-image:latest

    When Docker builds the image, you will see the different steps as well as a hash-code of the command. When you rebuild the image, Docker uses this hash-code to look for any changes. Docker will then only execute the command (and all subsequent commands) when the command has changed. Let us try this

    docker build -t dataservice-image .

    Sending build context to Docker daemon  580.1kB
    Step 1/4 : FROM openjdk:8-alpine
     ---> 5801f7d008e5
    Step 2/4 : COPY ./DataService.class /usr/src/dataservice/
     ---> Using cache
     ---> e539c7ae3991
    Step 3/4 : WORKDIR /usr/src/dataservice
     ---> Using cache
     ---> 8e290a1cc598
    Step 4/4 : CMD ["java", "DataService"]
     ---> Using cache
     ---> 25176dbe486b
    Successfully built 25176dbe486b
    Successfully tagged dataservice-image:latest

    As nothing has changed, Docker uses the cached results and hence can build the image in less than a second. If we e.g. change step 2, all subsequent steps will run again.

    Our image should now appear in the list of Docker images on our computer

    docker images ls

    REPOSITORY          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
    dataservice-image   latest              d99051bca1c7        4 hours ago         624MB
    openjdk             8                   8c80ddf988c8        3 weeks ago         624MB

    I highly recommend giving the image a name (-t [name] option) or a name and a tag (-t [name]:[tag]), as you are able to later reference the image by its name instead of its id.

    Docker stores these image on your localhost, e.g. at /var/lib/docker/graph/<id> (Debian), or /Users/[user-name]/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data on a Mac.

    Other commands regarding the image that might become useful are

    # get details information about the image (good for debugging)
    docker image inspect dataservice-image
    # delete an image
    docker image rm dataservice-image
    # remove all images
    docker image rm $(docker image ls -a -q)
    # remove all images (with force)
    docker image rm -f $(docker image ls -a -q)
    # show all docker image commands
    docker image --help

    Running the Container

    Now that we build our image, we can finally run a container with our image

    docker run --name dataservice-container -d -p4000:8080 dataservice-image

    The -d option stands for daemon, i.e. the container runs as a background process. The -p option maps the container-internal port 8080, to a port on your local machine that runs docker (4000). The --name option gives the container a name, by which it can be referenced when using docker container commands.

    You should now see the container in the list of all containers with

    docker container ls

    CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND              CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                    NAMES
    4373e2dbcaee        dataservice-image   "java DataService"   3 minutes ago       Up 4 minutes>8080/tcp   dataservice-container

    If you don’t use the --name option, Docker will generate a name for you, e.g.

    CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND              CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                    NAMES
    4373e2dbcaee        dataservice-image   "java DataService"   3 minutes ago       Up 4 minutes>8080/tcp   distracted_hopper

    Now let us call our service that resides inside the container with

    curl localhost:4000

    <?xml version="1.0" ?><result><name>hello</name><id>1842</id></result>

    You can stop the container from running with

    docker container stop dataservice-container

    The container now won’t appear when using docker container ls, as this command only shows the running containers. Use docker container ls -a instead.

    Other useful commands for Docker containers are

    # kills a container (stop - is a graceful shutdown (SIGTERM), while kill will kill the process inside the container (SIGKILL))
    docker container dataservice-container
    # removes a container, even if it is running
    docker container rm dataservice-container
    # removes all containers
    docker container rm $(docker container ls -a -q)
    # show STDOUT and STDERR from inside your container
    docker logs --follow 
    # execute a command from inside your container
    docker exec -it dataservice-container [command]
    # log into your container
    docker exec -it dataservice-container bash
    # shows a list of other docker container commands
    docker container --help

    Publish your Image on DockerHub

    So now that we have successfully created and run our first Docker Image, we can upload this image to a registry (in this case DockerHub) to use it from other machines.

    Before we continue, I want to clarify the terms registry and repository, as well as the name-space that is used to identify an image. These terms are used a bit differently, than in other contexts (at least in my opinion) which might lead to confusion.

    The Docker image itself represents a repository, similar to a repository in git. This repository can only exist local (as until now), or you can host it on a remote host (similar to GitHub or Bitbucket for git repositories). Services, that host repositories are called registries. GitHub or Bitbucket are registries that host git repositories. DockerHub, Artifactory or AWS Elastic Container Registry are registries that host Docker repositories (aka Docker images).

    An image name is defined by a repository-name and a tag. The tag identifies the version of the image (such as 1.2.3 or latest). So the repository can contain different versions of the image.

    Before we can push our Docker image to a registry (in this case DockerHub) we have to tag our image (this might seem a bit odd).

    docker tag [image-name|image-id] [DockerHub user-name]/[repository-name]:[tag]

    docker tag dataservice-image vividbreeze/docker-tutorial:version1

    Now let us have a look at our images

    docker image ls

    REPOSITORY                    TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
    dataservice-image             latest              61fe8918855a        10 minutes ago      624MB
    vividbreeze/docker-tutorial   version1            61fe8918855a        10 minutes ago      624MB
    openjdk                       8                   8c80ddf988c8        3 weeks ago         624MB

    You see the tagged-repository is listed with the same image-id. So both repository names are identifiers, that point to the same image. If you want to delete this link you have to use

    docker image rm vividbreeze/docker-tutorial:version1

    Next, we have to log in your remote registry (DockerHub)

    docker login

    Now we can push the image to DockerHub

    docker push vividbreeze/docker-tutorial:version1

    If you log into DockerHub you should see the image (repository) (sometimes it might take a while before it appears in the list).

    DockerHub Dashboard
    DockerHub Dashboard

    To run this image use

    docker run --name docker-container -d -p4000:8080 vividbreeze/docker-tutorial:version1

    If the image is not present (which it now is), Docker would download the image from DockerHub before it runs it. You can try this if you delete the image and run the command above. You can also use this command from every other machine that runs docker.

    So basically the command above downloads the image with the name vividbreeze/docker-tutorial and the tag version1 from your DockerHub registry.

    You might notice that this image is very large (about 626 MB)

    docker image inspect vividbreeze/docker-tutorial:version1 | grep Size

    On DockerHub you will see that even the compressed size is 246 MB. The reason is, that the Java8 base-image and the images the base-image is based on are included in our image. You can decrease the size by using a smaller base-image, e.g. openjdk:8-alpine, which is based on Alpine Linux. In this case, the size of the image is only about 102 MB.


    If you run into problems, I recommend having a look at the logs inside of your Docker container. You can access the messages that are written to STDOUT and STDERR with

    docker logs

    Often you can see if the start of your application has already failed or the call of a particular service. You can use the --follow option to continuously follow the log.

    Next, I suggest logging into the Docker container to see if your service is running

    docker exec -it dataservice-container bash

    (you can call any Unix command inside of your container docker exec -it [container-name] [command]). In our example, try curl If the service is running correctly inside of the container, but you have problems calling the service from the outside, there might be a network problem, e.g. the port-mapping was wrong, the port is already in use etc. You can see the port-mapping with docker port docker-container.

    However, you should make sure that the commands you execute in the container are available, e.g. if you use a small image, such as the alpine-Linux distribution, commands such as bash or curl won’t be available. So you have to use sh instead.

    Another (sub-)command that is useful with (almost) all docker commands is inspect. It gives you all the information about an image, a container, a volume etc. that are available, such as mapped volumes, network information, environment variables etc.

    docker image inspect dataservice-image

    docker container inspect dataservice-container

    Of course, there is more, but this basic knowledge should be sufficient to find the root cause of some problems you might run into.


  • Docker Basics – Part I

    The Docker Eco-System

    When we talk about Docker, we mainly talk about the Docker daemon, a process that runs on a host machine (in this tutorial most probably your computer). This Docker daemon is able to build images, run containers provide a network infrastructure and much more. The Docker daemon can be accessed via a REST interface. Docker provides a Command Line Interface (CLI), so you can access the Docker daemon directly from the command shell on the Docker host (docker COMMAND […|).

    Docker Ecosystem
    Docker Ecosystem

    Docker is based on a Linux ecosystem. On a Mac or Windows, Docker will create a Virtual Machine (using HyperKit). The Docker daemon runs on this Virtual Machine. The CLI on your host will then communicate via the REST interface to the daemon on this Virtual Machine. Although you might not notice it, you should keep this in mind (see below).

    Docker Images

    Docker runs an instance of an image in a so-called container. These images contain an application (such as nginx, MySQL, Jenkins, or OS such as Ubuntu) as well as the ecosystem to run this application. The ecosystem consists of the libraries and binaries that are needed to execute the application on a Linux machine. Most of the images are based on Linux distributions, as they already come with the necessary libraries and binaries. However, applications do not need a fully fledged Linux distribution, such as Ubuntu. Hence, most images are based on of a light-weight distribution such as Alpine Linux and others.

    Docker Image
    Docker Image

    It should be recalled, that only the libraries and binaries of the Linux distribution inside of the image are necessary for the application to run. These libraries communicate with the Operating System on the Docker Host, mostly the kernel that in turn communicates with hardware. So the Linux distribution inside of your containers does not have to be booted. This makes the start-up time of the container incredibly fast, compared to Virtual Machines, that run an operating system (that has to be booted first).

    Image Registry

    DockerHub is a place where you can find the images that are publicly available. Some of these images are official images, maintained by Docker, most of them are customised images, provided by the community (other developers or organisations who decided to make their images public). You can now (also) find these images in the new DockerStore.



    Docker Containers

    When you start a container you basically run an image. If Docker can’t find the image on your host, docker will download it from a registry (which is DockerHub as a default). On your host, you can see this image running as one or more processes.

    Docker Container
    Docker Container

    The beauty of containers is, that you can run and configure an application, without touching your host system.


    You should have Docker (community edition) installed on the machine you are working with.

    Basic Commands

    Let us get started. In this introduction, we will run images that are available on DockerHub. In the next part, we will focus on custom-images. So let us build a container that contains a nginx web server.

    docker run -d --name webserver -p 3001:80 nginx

    What we are doing here is

    • running the Docker image nginx (the latest version, as we didn’t specify a tag)
    • mapping the port 80 (default port of nginx) to the port 3001 on the local host
    • running the Docker container detached (the container runs in the background)
    • naming the container webserver (so we can reference the container by its name for later operations)

    If you are running Docker on a Linux OS, you should see two nginx processes in your process list. As mentioned above, if you are running Docker on MacOSX or Windows, Docker runs in a Virtual Machine. You can see the nginx process only when you log into this machine.

    screen ~/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/com.docker.driver.amd64-linux/tty


    docker run -it --privileged --pid=host debian nsenter -t 1 -m -u -n -i sh

    ps -aux | grep nginx should then show the following two processes running (nginx master process and a nginx worker process)

    10259 root       0:00 nginx: master process nginx -g daemon off;
    10294 101        0:00 nginx: worker process
    10679 root       0:00 grep nginx

    When you call localhost:3001 in your web browser, you should see the nginx default page.

    You can list containers by using (use -a to list all containers, running and stopped ones)

    docker container ls

    CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                  NAMES
    590058dc3101        nginx               "nginx -g 'daemon of…"   22 minutes ago      Up 22 minutes>80/tcp   webserver

    You can now stop the container, run it again or even delete the container with

    docker container stop webserver 

    docker container start webserver 

    docker container rm webserver (if the container is still running, use -f for force as an option)

    You can verify the current state with docker container ls -a.

    Bind Mounts

    So far we can only see the default nginx welcome screen in our web browser. If we want to show our own content, we can use a so-called bind mount. A bind mount maps a file or directory on the host machine to a file or directory in a container.

    The nginx image we are using uses /usr/share/nginx/html as the default home for its HTML-files. We will bind this directory to the directory ~/docker/html on our local host (you might have to delete the current webserver-container before).

    docker run -d --name webserver -p 3001:80 -v ~/docker/html:/usr/share/nginx/html nginx

    So if you write a simple HTML-file (or any other file) to~/docker/html, you are able to access it in the web browser immediately.

    Bind mounts are file-system specific, e.g. MacOSX uses a different file system them Windows, so the location pointer might look differently, such as /Users/chris on MacOSX and //c/Users/chris on Windows.


    Imagine you need a MySQL database for a short test. You can have MySQL up and running in Docker in seconds.

    docker run -d --name database mysql

    You might notice, that MySQL is strangely not running. Let us have a why this might be

    docker container logs database

    error: database is uninitialized and password option is not specified

    As we could have seen in the official image description of MySQL, we needed to specify an environment variable that defines our initial password policy (mental note: always read the image description before you use it). Let us try this again (you might need to delete the container before: docker container rm database)

    docker run -d -e MYSQL_ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD=true --name database mysql

    The database content will not be stored inside of the container but on the host as a so-called volume.  You can list all volumes by using

    docker volume ls

    DRIVER              VOLUME NAME
    local               2362207fdc3f4a128ccc37aa45e729d5f0b939ffd38e8068346fcdddcd89fee7

    You can find out to which location on the Docker host this volume is mapped by using the volume name

    docker volume inspect 2362207fdc3f4a128ccc37aa45e729d5f0b939ffd38e8068346fcdddcd89fee7

            "CreatedAt": "2018-08-13T10:41:47Z",
            "Driver": "local",
            "Labels": null,
            "Mountpoint": "/var/lib/docker/volumes/2362207fdc3f4a128ccc37aa45e729d5f0b939ffd38e8068346fcdddcd89fee7/_data",
            "Name": "2362207fdc3f4a128ccc37aa45e729d5f0b939ffd38e8068346fcdddcd89fee7",
            "Options": null,
            "Scope": "local"

    Another way would be to inspect the database container with

    docker container inspect database

    In the REST response, you will find something like this

    "Mounts": [
            "Type": "volume",
            "Name": "2362207fdc3f4a128ccc37aa45e729d5f0b939ffd38e8068346fcdddcd89fee7",
            "Source": "/var/lib/docker/volumes/2362207fdc3f4a128ccc37aa45e729d5f0b939ffd38e8068346fcdddcd89fee7/_data",
            "Destination": "/var/lib/mysql",
            "Driver": "local",
            "Mode": "",
            "RW": true,
            "Propagation": ""

    When MySQL writes into or reads from /var/lib/mysql, it actually writes into and read from the volume above. If you run Docker on a Linux host, you can go to this directory /var/lib/docker/volumes/2362207fdc3f4a128ccc37aa45e729d5f0b939ffd38e8068346fcdddcd89fee7/_data. If you run Docker on MacOSX or Windows, you have to log into the Linux VM that runs the Docker daemon first (see above).

    This volume will outlive the container, meaning, if you remove the container, the volume will still be there – which is good in case you need to back up the contents.

    docker container rm -f database

    docker volume ls

    DRIVER              VOLUME NAME
    local               2362207fdc3f4a128ccc37aa45e729d5f0b939ffd38e8068346fcdddcd89fee7

    However, it can also leave lots of garbage on your computer, so make sure you delete volumes if you don’t use them. In addition, many containers create volumes but it is exhausting to find out which container a volume belongs to.

    Another problem that remains is, that if you run a new MySQL container it will create a new volume. Of course, this makes sense, but what happens, if you just want to update to a new version of MySQL?

    Same as bindings above, you can name volumes

    docker run -d -e MYSQL_ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD=true -v db1:/var/lib/mysql --name database mysql

    So when you now look at your volumes now, you will see the new volume with the name db1

    docker volume ls

    DRIVER              VOLUME NAME
    local               2362207fdc3f4a128ccc37aa45e729d5f0b939ffd38e8068346fcdddcd89fee7
    local               db1

    Connect to this database, e.g. using MySQL Workbench or any other database client, create a database, a table, and insert some data into this table.

    (Another option would be to log into the container itself and start a mysql session to create a database: docker container exec -it database bash. This command executes bash in the container in an interactive terminal).

    Now delete the container database

    docker container rm -f database

    You will notice (docker volume ls) that our volume is still there. Now create a new MySQL container with the identical volume

    docker run -d -e MYSQL_ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD=true -v db1:/var/lib/mysql --name database mysql

    Use your database client to connect to MySQL. The database, table and its contents should still be there.

    What is the different between a Volume and a Bind Mount

    • a Volume is created by using the Docker file system, which is the same, not matter on which OS the Docker daemon is running. A volume can by anonymous (just referenced by an id) or named.
    • a Bind Mount, on the other hand, binds a file or directory on the Docker host (which can be Linux, MacOSX or Windows) to a file or directory in the container. Bind Mounts rely on the specific directory structure of the filesystem on the host machine (which is different in Linux, MacOSX and Unix). Hence, Docker doesn’t allow to use bind mounts to create new images. You can only specify bind mounts in the command using the -v parameter.

    Further Remarks

    This short tutorial just covered some basics to get around with Docker. I recommend to play a bit with the Docker CLI and also try the different options. In the next part, we will build and run a customised image.