Git Basic Branching

GIT Tutorial – Working with Branches – Part I

For reasons of simplicity in this tutorial, we will assume that you are working as a single developer with a local repository (MASTER). Implementing a new Feature Option 1 When you just add one feature after the other, you can make the changes, add them to the Staging Area and commit the changes to...

Git Remote Workflow

GIT Tutorial – Remote Repositories

I will explain how to connect to set-up and connect to a remote repository (Bitbucket and GitHub) and how to work with these repositories. I don’t want to complicate things, hence this tutorial gives you the basic understanding of how to work with Git. Before you start, you need to generate a SSH key-pair....

Simplified SSH protocol for Client Authentification

SSH Protocol and Key Generation

SSH is a protocol used to transfer data between to entities (client and server or services) using encryption. It's basically a telnet where data is transferred over a secure channel. This means that all data transmitted in both directions is secure from eavesdropping. In software development it is used to securely connect to a...

Git Basic Workflow

GIT Tutorial – Basics

Git is a distributed version control system. Distributed means, that each user has a local copy of a (remote) repository on his or her computer. I will dive right into Git using hands-on examples. In this part, I will only focus on local repositories to explain the basics. There are many ways to install git....