iTerm2 and zsh

This article outlines how to install my preferred development environment using iTerm2 and zsh (Z shell) together with some plugins on MacOSX. It doesn’t go into much detail and describes a hands-on installation of these tools.

Install iTerm2

My favourite shell on the Mac is iTerm2. You can download it directly from the webpage or install it with brew:

brew cask install iterm2

Here you can find a comprehensive cheat sheet for iTerm2.

Install zsh

Next, I install (oh-my-)zsh as my preferred shell. on-my-zsh is a tool for managing the zsh configuration (themes, plugins). It is installed on-top of zsh.

brew install zsh zsh-completions
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Change the current shell to zsh using

chsh -s $(which zsh)

Use this cheat sheet or a more detailed look at the zsh commands.

Configure zsh

Configure the command prompt

Add or change the line following line in ~/.zshrc to make the command prompt a bit shorter




Install the agnoster or cobalt2 Theme

I use the agnoster theme with zsh. The theme already comes with zsh. Alternatively, you can download agnoster.zsh-theme to ~/.oh-my-zsh/themes/.

Edit ~/.zshrc and change


Alternatively, you can use the similar cobalt2 theme, which doesn’t come with zsh. Here you have to install cobalt2.zsh-theme manually to ~/.oh-my-zsh/themes/.


Install the Power Patched Font

For the agnoster theme, you need to install the power patched font

git clone --depth=1

cd fonts


cd ..

rm -rf fonts

Then change the font and the font-size in iTerm to the powerline fonts (Meslo 14pt).

Install the git plugin

The git plugin for zsh already comes with the zsh installation. Use an editor to edit ~/.zshrc and add (or remove the #)





3 Antworten zu „iTerm2 and zsh“

  1. […] you are using the git-Plugin in zsh (or something similar for other command shells) you are always aware of what branch you are […]

  2. […] can also see a .git, which is a directory that contains the git-configuration. If you are using the git-Plugin in zsh (or something similar for other command shells) you should see something like […]

  3. […] you are using the git-Plugin in zsh (or something similar for other command shells) you can see of what branch you are in and […]